The International Workshop on Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IKIT 2018) In conjunction with The 6th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud.
Internet of Things (IoT) is currently one of the most challenging areas of the Internet, enabling ubiquitous computing between global networked machines and physical objects, providing a promising vision of the future integrating the real world of things with the virtual world of information. IoT is seen as a network of trillions of machines that communicate with each other, being a profound technological revolution, which is the current reality and the future of computing and communications, supported by a dynamics technological evolution in many fields, from wireless sensors, wireless sensor networks, to nanotechnology, and which rapidly gained global attention from academia, governments and industry.
This workshop explores the information and knowledge in the IoT, in particularly investigate data management and processing, information extraction, technology, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, and the development of new intelligent services available anytime, anywhere, by anyone and anything.
May 16, 2018: Deadline for paper submission to the Workshop
May 26, 2018: Notification of Acceptance and Early-bird Registration starts
June 1, 2018: Submission deadline for the final version of the Papers
August 6-8, 2018: IKIT Workshop
All papers should be in PDF format and submitted electronically on the link to EasyChair submission system and selected the track associated with The International Workshop on Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IKIT) workshop.
Note: To submit a paper you need to have an EasyChair account. Follow the link EasyChair Signup to create EasyChair account, if needed.
General Chair:
Teresa Guarda, State University Peninsula of Santa Elena, Ecuador
José María Díaz-Nafría, BITrum-Research Group, León, Spain
Filipe Mota Pinto, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal
Sajid Anwar, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan